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Licensing Board Agenda 04/22/2013
Notice is hereby that a meeting of the Salem Licensing Board will be held on Monday, April 22, 2013 at 6:00 p.m. in the third floor conference room, at City Hall Annex, 120 Washington Street.


1.      Application for a One Day Liquor License for a Wedding Reception at Old Town Hall on May 26, 2013. Applicant: William Grant.

2.      Application for a One Day Liquor License for a Wedding Reception at House of the Seven Gables on August 10, 2013. Applicant: Kimberly Boothe & Jon Peterson.

3.      Application for a One Day Liquor License for a Wedding Reception at Old Town Hall on May 11, 2013. Applicant: Rockafella’s.

4.      Applications for multiple Street Performers Licenses. Applicants:
        *Stephen Marcotte       
        *Simon Zavlasky
        *Lawrence Levesque
        *Royal Sorell

5.      Application for an Individual Fortunetelling License. Applicant: Desiree Olsen  

6.      Application for a new Store Fortunetelling License and sub licensee. Applicant: David Newman, owner, for Hermetic Arts Learning Center at 105 Bridge Street and sub licensee Maria Carles.

7.      Application for a Blanket Entertainment & Vendor License for Free Summer Concert Series. Applicant: Frank Taromina, City of Salem, Planning Department.

8.      Application for Seasonal All Alcohol License & Entertainment License. Applicant: Nolan Associates LLC d/b/a The Landing, 10 Blaney Street.

9.      Vote of the Board to adopt revised instructions for Special One Day Liquor Licenses.

10.     Communications

11.     Old/New Business

12.     Approval of meeting minutes from April 8, 2013 meeting.

13.     Adjournment

Melissa Pagliaro
Clerk of the Board

"Know your rights under the Open Meeting Law M.G.L. c. 30A and City Ordinance Sections 2-2028 and through 2-2033."